At Brickyard Physiotherapy we are very happy to be back at work and to welcome our clients back to the clinic. We have had to change things a little since we last saw you, but our aim is to make your experience as valuable as it can be, while keeping us all safe.
What we have done:
We have changed the way you will enter and exit the clinic – if you have an appointment SEE BELOW for details.
We have installed plexiglass shields between you and our reception staff.
We have switched to soft vinyl pillowcases that are wipeable.
We have switched to wipeable seats, in the treatment rooms and waiting room.
All entrances, treatment rooms, waiting rooms and reception have hand sanitizer stations.
We have outlined safe distances on our floors for areas where you may meet other people.
We have decreased the number of clients at any one time in the clinic and staggered bookings to limit the number of people entering and exiting the clinic at any time.
Any staff member who will be in contact with you will be in Personal Protective Equipment
Deep cleaning of rooms between clients will include—beds, chairs, bolsters, shelves, door handles and pillowcases as well as any equipment used during your treatment.
We will currently be limiting the use of our gym area.
What we are asking of our patients during the COVID pandemic:
1) Please wear a mask or other face covering to your appointment – non-medical is fine. If you do not have one, one will be provided for you.
2) When you arrive for your appointment please use the side entrance on the east side of the building and phone the clinic. Please be prompt for your appointment, arriving early or late for your appointment will negate the effect of our staggered bookings.
3) Clients will be escorted into the clinic individually by a staff member, we ask that you do not block the entrance and wait to the right of the doors, the ground will be marked in 2 meter increments.
4) You will be immediately shown to your treatment room.
5) Please remain in your room until a staff member directs you to leave.
6) You will only stop at reception upon exiting from your appointment to reschedule and pay for your treatment.
We thank you for your understanding and co-operation and look forward to seeing you soon!
Your Brickyard Team